Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Development Management Capability Teams and Groups
Question: Discuss about theDevelopment Management Capability for Teams and Groups. Answer: Introduction In this study, we will learn the importance of teams and groups for an organization. This study concentrates on the formation of teams and groups, purpose of the formation, and the experiences shared by them. As per the present study there are certain differences in teams and groups. These differences are due to the communication flow, the applicability of management theories, working of teams and groups, structure of them, interaction, etc. The major difference between teams and groups is that the members of teams work to attain a particular goal. While the groups are formed to attain different goals of the organization as per decided by the managers. All the members have various goals related to them. The motive of this report is to know about the teams and their groups. It can be done through development of key abilities in management of people of team and groups. It helps to generate the application and theories of teams. There are three tools that can help to diagnose this that are Johari windows; Thomas Kilmann conflict questionnaire and ESCI are used to give insight of preferences and current abilities. The result from the test is tested so that comparison can make on it. It helps to identify the weakness and strengths so that abilities can be judged. We can use such learning from the diagnostic tools and literature review. Plans are made to developed and improve the skills. The organizations can develop a realistic plan for the activities with the use of literature review and the tools of diagnose. Literature Review: Teams and Groups The topic that is selected by me is teams and groups. The analysis of such literature shows that the two concepts of team and groups are different in nature and have different meaning too. It is very essential to understand the differences between the teams and groups so that an appropriate capabilities to manage the people of team members. It is an easy process by which the effectively can be generated through teams and groups. Through collaboration of all the members of the teams and the groups, the effective amount of outcome is generated. The significant nature of teams and groups are that they have diffident skills, quality and features that distinct them from others. This differentiation helps to bring efficiency in the work. The special feature of this is that there is interconnectedness in the groups and the teams. It is noticed that there is a high amount of connectivity in the teams. This happens because they all have some common goals and objectives that can be accomplished only when there is integrity between them. The teams acquire some common purpose and goals and collectively they have to reach at a similar point. Contrary to this, the groups are different as their set goals are different. According to Giffin, Gully and Philips, the management of team can not need any type of particular skills and talent as it can also be achieved through setting of effective goals. In teams and groups the work of each employee I decided by the managers in advance and the motive of this is to attain the final goals. The main work of manager is to look after the work of each member and encourage them to work in a better way. Belbil said that the teams posses a great amount of coordination within them as the members are motivated to achieve common goals. So the interaction and communication between them is also much effective then groups. Each and every member has knowledge about others as they have to discuss things and information between them. If we observe, the people of teams are quite frank and friendly to each other but the groups are generally formal in nature as they have varied goals so the communication between them is not very effective. Theories and Models that helps to Explain the Importance of Teams and Groups- In the literature, we can see that there are many theories and models that can help an organization to manage and develop the performance of teams and groups. We can observe that the Tuckman team work theory is one of the effective theories of all. It gives us four steps to develop the tem in an organization. There are four stages given by Tuckman that are forming, storming, Norming and performing. The development of teams and groups is done by the managers of the company. Application of models of conflicts management gives a plat form to the managers to settle them and to make them to perform. In this way, the performance of the organization can be improved and changed. The most relevant part of team management is positive behavior of the members (Armstrong, 2006). There is one more model that can help the managers in formation of team that is mutual aid model. This can help in the performance of management by the employees. The mutual aid model is a model in which the alliance of the members who require talent and knowledge of other members are very important for the teams and groups. It is important because in groups there are diversity of people and their skills and talent is also different (Brounstein, 2016). The Application of the Three Diagnostic Tools- Johari Window- It is one of the relevant tools that have been used in the management of teams and models. This tool provides a better understanding of relations of the members of the teams and groups. This specific tool of Johari window tells about the relations with others and in the respect of teams and groups and there certain major connections with the people and the managers (Jehn, K A, Rispens, S and Thatcher, S M 2012). It also explains about the opportunity that managers have in the maintenance of team and groups members. Such strategies are applied to have specific management of groups and teams by applying the Johari window model into their organization. I can easily say that I am aware about the arena and open area well. I am well known about my own strengths, weakness and capabilities. I can collect feedbacks form related to it and further use them so that I can improve my qualities. I have strength that I can do an effective management in teams and groups. It also defines that relations play a very important role is establishment of teams and groups. If there are effective connection between the members of groups and teams then they would work in a unity. It is a simple way to increase the efficiency of the workforce (Griffin, R W, Phillips, J M and Gully, S M 2016). Thomas Kilmann Conflict Questionnaire This tool is used to manage the conflict n the organization. It also used to see whether there is overuse or underuse of thee models of conflict handling like collaborating, compromising, avoiding, competing and accommodating. It helps managers to handle the process of conflict in an effective manner. The application of this model helps to manage teams and groups in a better way. I may consider myself as a cooperative and assertive person who tends to search solution for the problems. It is said that the better understanding and application of this tools gives an advantage to the companies to make wise and healthy decision regarding conflicts in the teams. So, organizations have to understand the requirement of this model as its aim is only to manage conflict of the same (Levi, D. 2011). Thomas Kilmann instrumental tool is very relevant as it helps an organization to manage the stress of work load of the employees. It also enhances the communication and interaction of the workforce by proving its models and tools of effective communication. The most relevant task done by TKI is that is assist organization in the development of leadership within the employees. Leaders are vital as they establish teams and groups in the company and motivate them to achieve the objective of the company. As we now that conflicts are the part of every organisation so it also provides many negotiation tools and training to do the process of negotiation. Ultimately, the applicability of all the above discussed points results in improvement of performance of not only the employees but also the overall organization. These all instruments are hence effective as well as efficient in nature (Neely, A. 2002). ESCI This tool is also relevant in management of teams and groups. It helps to find a reasonable difference between an effective leader and in an ineffective leader so that only effective leader can ensure the leadership for the teams and groups. It provides compete advantage for the organization. It also gives an opportunity to manage the performance of the employees. The application of ESCI helps to take initiatives, measurement of intelligence, spreading awareness, collection of feedbacks, etc. (Coghlan, D 1994) This tool helps the managers to have optimum utilization of scarce resources of organization. Identification of effective leaders leads to increase the possibility of performance of the employees and the entire groups in the best manner that will ultimately results in success of the organization. It allows the companies to takes effective measure like increase in the performance of teams, innovative ideas, etc. A leader not only manages the teams and groups but also help the organization in the achievement of companys goals. The leaders act as a mediator between the employees and the organization. He tries to motivates, encourage, control, etc. (Trippe, B, Baumoel, D 2015) Plan for Improving Knowledge and Skills over 6 Month Period- In the major areas of any organization, there is need to pay attention in the management of teams and groups. There is a requirement to focus on key areas like management of teams, involvement of each member of group, accomplishment of goals, etc. the initiative must be taken by small stages and then carry forward them to further stages. At the initial point there is needed to identify the opportunities, and take them to best level (Carpenter, Bauer, Erdogan, 2016). In the initial 6 month, the opportunities just be identified and applied. The application of models is also important to have an effective management. After application, an analysis of all the theories and models must be done to track the growth. It provides a good amount of knowledge of the applicability of models in an organization (West, R and Turner, LH, 2008). Form the point of view of Thomas Kilmann model, is very efficient in nature as it helps to enhance the performance of management of conflicts. When we talk about groups and teams, the level of conflicts is very high. It leads to increase in the effectiveness and efficiency of the managers to manage conflict management. There is a need to conduct an activity that will allow me to fillup the questionnaire. This process will help in effective management of conflicts situation. It can be initiate through apply such practices in small groups and face the practical and real situations. The prominency of performance can be managed through applicability of ESCI in the organization. Apart from all this, there is a requirement to conduct an analysis that advice me how an organisation can develop relationship between the employees internal or externally. It is not an easy concept as it is very crucial in nature. In the next 6 months, I have decided to conduct certain activities that will enhanc e my all the managing tactics and bring efficiency in the work (Belbin, 2011). Conclusion Through this study, we can learn that there is a difference between teams and groups and it is also relevant for the organizations to identify these differences to have better management of people. From the above study, we learnt that the groups do not have any common goals and the teams have a common goal. The teams work for the achievement of a common goal set by the managers for them. There is a need to have focused approach of the managers to build a team that is effective in nature. It helps to contradict between the groups and teams and also in the management of people. There are many tools discussed above like Thomas Kilmann instrumental tool, ESCI, Johari window, etc that are very effective in nature. The applicability of the tools is also given so that the learners will have an overall knowledge of the same. In this study, there is an analysis is done with the respect of models of diagnose. It suggests that these models are applied to the managers so that competitiveness advantage can be achieved in order to achieve management teams. These tools provide strength in the management of the capabilities and abilities of the managers. These tools help to understand the various outlooks of the management of team like conflict management, relationship development and leadership. The most ineffective weakness of such tools is that they require a proper knowledge and skills in dealing with the same. For the personal development plan there is a need to manage small teams, try to act as a leader and play his role too, establishing positive relationships between the teams and groups, and the capability to manage conflicts. References Armstrong, TR 2006, 'Revisiting the Johari Window: Improving Communications through Self-Disclosure and Feedback', Human Development, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 10-14. Belbin, R, 2011, Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail, 3rd edn, Human Resource. Management International Digest, vol. 19, no. 3. Brounstein, M, 2016, Differences between work groups and teams, [Online], Accessed on: 13 October 2016, Available at: https://www.dummies.com/business/human-resources/employee-relations/differences-between-work-groups-and-teams/ Carpenter, M, Bauer, T, Erdogan, B, 2016, Managing groups and teams, [Online], Accessed on: 13 October 2016, Available at: https://catalog.flatworldknowledge.com/bookhub/5?e=carpenter-ch13 Coghlan, D 1994, Managing Organizational Change through Teams and Groups, Leadership Organization Development Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 18 23. Griffin, R W, Phillips, J M and Gully, S M2016, Organizational Behaviour: Managing People and Organizations, 12th edn, Cengage Learning. Jehn, K A, Rispens, S and Thatcher, S M 2012, Managing Conflict in Groups and Teams: Conflict about Conflict, in Margaret A. Neale, Elizabeth A. Mannix (ed.) Looking Back, Moving Forward: A Review of Group and Team-Based Research (Research on Managing Groups and Teams, Volume 15) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.133 159 Levi, D. 2011, Group dynamics for teams, Los Angeles: SAGE, c2011. Neely, A. 2002, Business Performance Measurement: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press. Trippe, B, Baumoel, D 2015, 'Beyond the ThomasKilmann model: Into extreme conflict', Negotiation Journal, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 89-103 West, R and Turner, LH 2008, Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Making Choices in Changing Times, Cengage Learning.
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